Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Visitors Welcome

We welcome visitors to Grainwood and thank the many volunteers who assist us!  Because of the need to maintain the highest safety for students, we request that all visitors sign in at the office.  All visitors and/or volunteers must wear an identification sticker which identifies them to staff that they have checked in at the office.

If you plan to visit your child's classroom, we request you make plans ahead of time with your child's teacher.  In order to maximize uninterrupted classroom instruction time, visitors are limited to a maximum of two volunteers per classroom for one hour.  Volunteers working outside the classroom area may be present for more extended periods of time.  Planned visits help minimize disruption to classroom instruction.

Parents are also welcome to eat lunch with their child and may purchase an adult lunch for $3.35.  Feel free to contact the office if you need to know what time your child eats lunch.

We appreciate you adhering to these visitor guidelines.  Thank you for helping make Grainwood a safe and positive environment for learning.