Friday, September 20, 2013

Morning Drop-off

With some students being dropped off each morning, please take into account the law and safety at all times.  Here a few reminders and ideas:

1.  Students are monitored in the AM beginning at 8:15.  Be early when dropping off your child.  In poor weather conditions (rain or extreme cold), students are allowed inside the building.
2.  Please do not park in or block the three designated handicap spaces or the yellow striped area in the front of the building.  We have several students and families who require the handicap spaces each morning.  Please be mindful of their needs.
3.  Drop your student off down the sidewalk near St. Paul Avenue.  He/she/they can walk up the sidewalk and still enter school on time.
4.  Lastly, go slow, take your time, and please do not go around other cars and block on-coming traffic or let your child out in the middle of the street.

Thank you for your attention to a safe and peaceful morning drop-off!  Safety should be number one priority for everyone!

Patrick Glynn