Saturday, September 1, 2012

September 2012 Nurse's Notes

Annual Health Forms

  • If you have not yet turned in your form designating individuals to call in case of illness and emergency, please do so as soon as possible.  Be aware that when your child is ill, he/she may become very anxious if we are unable to locate a parent or guardian.  In addition, if your child has a health condition such as asthma, bee sting allergy, epliepsy, etc. that may require emergency action, if you haven't already, please complete an Emergency Action Plan/Annual Health Form so we can provide optimal care for your child.  If you need a form, please notify the school Health Office.
  • Screenings will begin soon and continue throughout the school year.  Please check the Health Services website for more information.  Please call your school's health office if you have concerns or questions regarding screening or if you do not wish to have your child screened.
Pertussis and the importance of a Tdap booster
  • The best way to prevent pertussis is to be vaccinated.  In addition to routine childhood immunizations, a pertussis vaccine booster shot is now recommended for adolescents and adults.  The booster shot (Tdap) is given in combination with tetanus and diptheria.  Ask your healthcare provider for more information.
Seasonal Flu
Reminder - Hand washing is our best defense in fighting illness!