Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Summer School

We are pleased to announce that Grainwood Elementary will be hosting an academic summer school program for Westwood and Grainwood Elementary Schools this summer. The summer school curriculum will focus on providing additional instruction for students needing a boost in reading, writing, and math. Eligibility for summer school is based on student need.

Dates: Monday-Thursday, July 9th to August 9th

Time: 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

The summer school programming is free. This is an opportunity to extend your child's learning with additional days of instruction focused on your child's learning needs. Summer school attendance will also help eliminate the loss of learning that occurs during the summer. ***For those families whose children will be attending Jeffers Pond or Glendale for Kids' Company, you are invited to enroll in their summer school programs.

Letters and summer school registration forms have been sent to students who have met initial criteria. If you have received the letter and would like your child to attend, please return the completed registration by Friday, May 4. If you have not received the summer school information letter but would like to inquire about your child attending, please call your child's classroom teacher.

Limited transportation IS AVAILABLE to and from Grainwood from collection stops in the Westwood and Grainwood attendance areas. A small donation of $20.00 is requested from families whose children will need transportation. The remainder of the transportation costs will be provided through community grants and scholarship dollars. Students who are transported by their parents should arrive at Grainwood between 8:20 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. and be picked up at Grainwood by 11:30 a.m.

If you have questions regarding the summer school program, please speak with your child's classroom teacher or call the Grainwood School Office at (952) 226-0300. We look forward to the opportunity to work with your child through our summer school program!