Wednesday, April 11, 2012

From the Office of the Principal...

Dear Grainwood Families,

On Saturday, April 21, is the annual all-district elementary school carnival. This event has been around for 30+ years and has grown tremendously in terms of its size and meaning to the community. With Grainwood's PTC having co-chaired the event the last two years, the carnival's magnitude was exposed and has forced PTCs (including our own) to rethink their present involvement in it due to: 1) the significant time commitment required for its coordination, and 2) the number of essential volunteers needed for its success and safety for participants. Therefore, this school year, the Grainwood PTC is not participating in any leadership role associated with the carnival. In essence, we decided to partake in a one-year hiatus to consider other options and re-examine our goals pertaining to the carnival.

In exchange for our participation this year, the Grainwood PTC has been developing a Walk-a-thon, the first-ever “Grainwood Get-Up-and-Go,” as a fundraising replacement. This event will be hosted at Grainwood on Friday, June 1st, and involve students collecting funds in a walk-a-thon like fashion. This event is focused on promoting physical activity for students, is the culminating event of a week full of annual fitness activities, and 100% pure profit (with limited overhead costs and volunteer needs). Stay Tuned! More specific information about this event will be distributed to Grainwood families by late April. Overall, we will evaluate this new event and revisit our possible partnership in the carnival for the future sometime next fall.

Grainwood continues to promote and support the all-district carnival being held on April 21. While we will not financially benefit from the event, we invite all Grainwood families to participate as in years past. As usual, come visit me at the Gold Coin Booth and cash in your coins!


Patrick Glynn
Grainwood Principal