Wednesday, March 19, 2014

SPAN (Synergy/SAGE Parent Action Network) Meeting

SPAN (Synergy/SAGE Parent Action Network) will host our last meeting of the school year on Thursday April 3 at 7pm in the WestWood Media Center.  The meeting will feature Anne Rinkenberger, MS, LMFT, a Twin Cities therapist who focuses her practice on working with gifted children and adolescents, who will speak about Supporting the Special Needs of Gifted Children: Neuroscience Implications for Regulating Emotions and BehaviorThis presentation will describe characteristics of giftedness, including Overexciteabilities (often referred to as sensitivities and intensities) and other special needs of some gifted kids that impact their social, emotional, behavioral and psychological health. The brain science regarding the development of executive functioning skills and the impact on learning for gifted kids and teens will be discussed. Participants will learn strategies to use at home and in the classroom to improve the ability of gifted children to regulate their emotions and behavior. And, participants will learn about some of the indicators when a gifted child may benefit from additional professional services.

Teacher relicensure CEU certificates will be available. 

Please email Apryl at with questions or to be placed on SPAN’s email list.