Thursday, January 16, 2014

New AM DROP-Off Routine Reminder!

Dear Grainwood Families,

About two months ago, we changed our drop-off routine at Grainwood in the AM to help improve safety for our students and families.  Drop-off in front of the building can be hectic, even though the time period is only about 10-15 minutes long.  In establishing the new routine of NOT parking in front of the building between the two new signs from 8:15-8:35 AM, families should be able to pull over traveling east on Minnesota Street, let their child(ren) out and leave immediately in a safe and orderly fashion.  (We would ask that children NOT be dropped off by vehicles traveling West on Minnesota Street, to avoid anyone crossing the street in front of potentially moving traffic. We also ask that you please DO NOT double park in the street and let your student(s) out to walk between cars or park in the handicapped parking areas.)

Some mornings, however, cars are either parked in the drop-off area or families are waiting with their child(ren) there until the bell rings.  Obviously, some families (and substitute staff) are still learning the new routine.  You can help!  First of all, please inform any members of your family that might help with drop-off about our NO PARKING parameters between 8:15-8:35 AM.  Sometimes different family members or neighbors might assist with transportation and they need to be informed.  Secondly, feel free to inform our office if you witness a repeat offender.  I have spoken with many families the past few weeks and all have been very receptive.  We are aware that change takes time and eventually all families will become accustomed to the new routine.  Thanks for your patience and commitment to safety.    

Your Friendly Safety Enforcer and Principal
Patrick Glynn