Thursday, December 5, 2013

Outdoor Weather Policy

Students will be going outside for recess unless the "Feels Like" temperature falls below a -5 degrees or it is steadily raining.  All elementary schools will use the KARE 11 website to determine the "Feels Like" temperature.

Students must have snow pants and boots on in order to play in the snow at school.  Students without snow pants and boots are limited to playing on the blacktop area.

Keeping track of hats, gloves, boots and even coats can be challenging for our students.  It would be very helpful if you could please write your child's name on their outdoor clothing.

If you are missing any items, please remember to check the "Lost and Found" benches in the entryway at school.  There are many items in the Lost and Found, so please take a look when you are in the school and claim your lost items.