Wednesday, November 20, 2013

New AM Drop-Off Procedure (NEW SIGNS!)

Dear Grainwood Families,

For those who transport their children to school each morning, or on occasion, please notice the new NO PARKING signs posted in the grass near the curb.  This should assist in creating a space (possibly 6-7 car lengths long) dedicated for student drop-off each morning.  Please utilize this area for drop-off by pulling over to the curb and letting your child off.  DO NOT pull into the yellow or handicap areas in front of the building for drop-off or stop your vehicle in the street.  Both of these choices creates unsafe traffic patterns, especially when vehicles attempt to drive around those stopped in the street.  Dropping off at the curb, between the signs, will create the safest drop-off scenario for all!  Thank you for helping establish a new drop-off routine in the morning.

Patrick Glynn