Tuesday, February 19, 2013


The next SPAN meeting will be held on Thursday Feb. 21 at 7pm in the Prior Lake High School media center, 3rd floor. Superintendent Sue Ann Gruver, Assistant Superintendent Jeff Holmberg, Prior Lake High School principal Dave Lund, Hidden Oaks Middle School principal Sasha Kuznetsov, and WestWood Elementary School/SAGE Coordinator Pam Winfield will form a panel at the meeting to discuss how the needs of gifted kids are being met throughout the district.  We hope to see you there!

Also, our SPAN Board is looking for a new member or 2!  Our current Board would like to stay in place for next school year, but we realize that our kids are growing older; after next year, none of us will have children at the elementary level.  We would love to have one or two parents with younger kids join us on the SPAN Board.  Please let me know if you are interested in serving on the SPAN Board (not a huge time commitment…I promise!) or could recommend someone with younger kids who you think might be interested in joining the Board.  We are requesting that interested parents or nominations be submitted by March 1.  Official elections will take place at our last meeting on April 23. 

Please email with any questions/concerns or to be placed on our email list.