Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Walk-a-Thon Update!

Dear Grainwood Families,

Yesterday, the PTC Co-Chairs for the 1st Annual Grainwood Get-Up-and-Go Walk-a-Thon were in school counting the sponsorship dollars, or pledges, that have been returned so far for the big event on June 1. I am very proud to announce that we have raised $6,210 in two weeks! WOW! Thank you to everyone who helped their child with this process and to all the friends and family who helped by donating to our school. We are very appreciative!

While we had set a due date of May 18 (last Friday), those students who have not returned their pledge forms still can between now and the day of the Walk-a-Thon. About one-third of the student population has already returned their sponsorship forms. It has been brought to our attention by several parents that because of the early due date on the sponsor forms, there are some students who are still gathering pledges or have yet to return their envelopes to school. Please feel free to do so at your convenience.

I have been asked these two questions the last few days about the event and here are my responses:

1) Why the May 18 due date if the event is not until June 1? We wanted to provide an early due date so we could be sure all the pledges were returned in time to be counted toward our goal. In addition, because of the introduction of the online donation component, we needed to be sure those donations went through the online site and transactions were complete before the Walk-a-Thon. Every dollar donated is appreciated and we wanted to be sure everything was counted.

2) Why a goal of $7500? $7500 is essentially $20 per student at Grainwood. Our PTC discussed this target at a few different meetings this past winter and spring and we all believed it was a very reasonable goal for our families. (Obviously, many students have raised more and we are very grateful for their efforts!)

Please join us on Friday, June 1 at 1:45 PM for the event! (Come early!) We would love for family to be present and cheer on students and staff in their efforts. As was stated in the original flyer, grade levels will be walking together during the day. Then, the whole school finishes the final 20 minutes together in the afternoon. We’re hoping for great weather; however, the rain date is Monday, June 4. Thanks to all who have helped so far this spring!


Patrick Glynn