Thursday, February 16, 2012

February Physical Education News

Our 5th grade ski trip to Hyland Hills was a success. The kids were ready for the weather and were able to have a lot of fun on the slopes. Thanks to all for your efforts with this; it was a great experience for the students.

The Physical Education department at Grainwood will be working on their rope jumping. On February 15th the kick-off for the American Heart Association's "Jump Rope for Heart" with the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th graders doing a community service activity raising funds to donate to the American Heart Association. We will be jumping the entire periods for the grades involved at the finale on March 13th. A big thank you in advance to those that helped or will help in one way or another. Please look for information coming home with your student if you have a student in one of the grades participating that would like to participate. We will be trying to encourage the kids, if possible, to do this online if they choose to join in the project. The information provided has simple (even for me) steps to follow to get this going and make a nice web page for helping to do this service project. For more information, please click HERE for the Grainwood Parent Letter and click HERE for Grainwood's Save the Date Online Instructions.

Floor hockey is a major part of February with games for all ages and a tournament for grades 4 and 5 at the end. The tournament is on Friday, February 17th. In Physical Education we will also be talking about the Spring Fitness Test, which will be coming up in April.

Check out the Physical Education's web page to find information that may be helpful to you if you have any questions. Pictures are also posted, along with a calendar for activities happening in Physical Education. Calendar activities are subject to change at a moment's notice. Just a reminder to have the tennis shoes for Physical Education classes.

Mr. Larson, Your Physical Education Teacher