Thursday, September 22, 2011

PTC Update

The Grainwood PTC had its first meeting of the year last week.  Plans were discussed for this year in terms of fundraisers and contributions to the school, and the fourth grade teachers were present to share about the first few weeks. Our two big fundraisers will again include The Chip Shoppe this fall (Kick-off is today, Thursday, September 22) and Butter Braid sales in the spring.  At this point, there are serious conversations about opting out of the third traditional fundraiser...the PTC Carnival.

The PTC Carnival has been around for 30+ years and has grown tremendously in terms of its size.  With Grainwood's PTC having co-chaired the event the last two years, the carnival's magnitude was exposed and has forced PTCs (including our own) to rethink their present support for it due to: 1) the significant time commitment required for its coordination, and 2) the numerous essential volunteers needed for its safety and success.  (The entire carnival lacked a tremendous amount of elementary parent volunteers last year.)  Therefore, the Grainwood PTC is proposing we not participate for one year in order to consider other options and re-examine our goals pertaining to this event.  Numerous other elementary schools in the district are also contemplating this choice.

We will continue to promote volunteering in our school in both the classroom and through fundraising to support the school in providing many wonderful educational programs and opportunities here at Grainwood. If you have not filled out a volunteer form yet, please ask for one from your child’s teacher or the Grainwood office. There are many opportunities available throughout the year!

Our next meeting will be held Tuesday, October 11th from 6:30-8pm in the Grainwood Conference Room. We invite you to join us and thank the new parents who have already taken time to participate.  As always, parents are invited to attend and hear about what is happening at Grainwood from the principal, the teachers and the parents, as we all strive to meet the needs of Grainwood's students.