Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Box Tops 4 Education

Box Tops 4 Education provides a Grainwood an opportunity to earn extra cash to help fund student activities throughout the year. We are very appreciative of all the families who have taken the time to collect their box tops, cut them out, and send them to school. The collection box by our front entrance to the gym is filled and unfilled throughout the year (Thank You Mrs. Fowler for all your help!) and individual classrooms are recognized monthly at our All School Meeting for having the most box tops each month. (Hosting Thunder and Lightening, Grainwood's pet stuffed horses, is a big deal around here!) To help with the collection of the boxtops, collection sheets are available at Look under EARN, then CLIP BOXTOPS, then COLLECTION PROJECTS at the bottom of the page for themed collection pages (in PDF form) to print at home and begin collecting. Or, just tape your boxtops to a piece of scrap paper in groups of ten (just like in the picture). Pre-grouped box tops are greatly appreciated, for this is how they need to be organized when redeemed. Also, please put your child's classroom teacher's name on all donations. I wonder which class will be the recipient of Thunder and Lightning this month? We will soon find out!