Wednesday, September 25, 2013

SCHOOLOGY has Arrived!

Parents and Guardians of K-5 Students:

Last week you should have received an email from the district about our new learning management system called Schoology. Schoology is a digital extension of the classroom that has replaced traditional teacher web pages. Users will immediately notice an interactive “Facebook-like” feel, which is great for collaboration and communication, but Schoology also allows teachers to make resources available to students and parents in a format that acts like a digital extension of the classroom.  Unlike Facebook, Schoology is not based on “friends” but on “educational colleagues.” Everything about it serves an academic purpose that is delivered in a safe and secure manner.

There are many benefits for parents using Schoology:

COMMUNICATION - Schoology allows parents to get information from all teachers working with their children, get updates about their classroom, assignment notebook and calendar. Schoology will not replace other district tools for communication with parents and families. Personal information such as student's grades, attendance, bus stop, and address/email information will still be housed in Skyward Family/Student Access using existing login information. There will still be list serve emails sent out to parents for time-sensitive communications and educators will still use email and phone calls for personal conversations.

LEARNING - Teachers are slowly integrating Schoology into classroom instruction in an age-appropriate way. As students progress through elementary school, they will be asked to use more of Schoology’s functions to complete classroom assignments and projects.

SAFETY - Schoology is designed for educational purposes and contains safety features to protect student information.  Interactions on Schoology cannot be viewed from outside of our district community of staff, students and parents. The collaboration will also be managed by the teacher, and individual contributions will appear as anonymous to other students and parents. For students to interact with Schoology outside of the school day, they must enter their personal username and password that each has received through media specialists.  Instructions for student access from home are attached.

How do parents start using Schoology?
For parents to use Schoology, they too must create their own unique username and password.  Parent accounts will be automatically linked to each of their students through a parent access code found in Skyward Family/Student Access (one per child).  By using the parent access codes, parents will be able to view all of their children’s activity in Schoology. Parents can also manage daily or weekly notifications of student work and connect with instructors privately. Parents will not have the ability to comment or post in a way that others can view. Directions for Parent Schoology login are attached. 

Schoology will be a great tool for learning in PLSAS, but it is still a work in progress. Teachers are becoming familiar with this platform and are making plans for how it will best serve the students in their classroom. Our goal is to have all Schoology courses populated and active by October 16.

FYI...Accessing Schoology from home is not part of the district’s requirement for students to be successful in school. During the day, students will have access to Schoology when appropriate and necessary. For parents who do not have access to a home computer or mobile device, teachers will continue to communicate via the phone, hard copies of resources/assignments, and by appointment.

Thank you for your time and attention as we launch this exciting new learning tool.

If you have questions or need support with Schoology, please contact us at