Monday, September 2, 2013

From the Office of the Principal

Greetings Grainwood Families,

We endured the heat of the first week (thank goodness for air conditioning at GW) and started the year focussing on routines and expectations.  I hope your child had a successful week!  I am sure he/she is tired due to possible new wake-up times and morning routines.  The office staff has received many positive comments on the new arrangement of their work stations.  There certainly seems to be a more natural flow for the office traffic.  Thank you for always signing in if you are joining us during the school day.  Safety is our number one priority!

Attached here is a list of questions to help make the most of your conversation with your child throughout the school year.  Instead of getting the remark, "it was fine" to your, "How was school today?," try these questions instead: 

I hope your child has a positive second week and beyond.  I would imagine homework will start for most grade levels this week (if it has not already).  Just a reminder that breakfast is being serviced daily and all students can participate.  Students do not need to register; they simply attend.  Lastly, if you have a concern or question, please speak with your child's teacher first.  They want to know.  As your principal, I am always available to be of assistance too, but contact with the teacher first is usually always best. Thank you and let's have a wonderful school year together!