Friday, December 6, 2013

December Nurse's Note

December 2013
Nurses Note

Please be sure that your child is dressed for outside recess. Remember that Minnesota weather is variable. Proper outdoor attire includes a jacket, hat and gloves. When it snows you will also need boots and snow pants!

Students will always go outdoors for recess unless the “Feels Like” temperature falls below a -5 degrees or it is steadily raining. All elementary schools will use the KARE11 website to determine the “Feels Like” temperature.

                                  5 Ways to Stay Healthy For the Holidays                           

Follow these 5 tips to boost your body's defenses:
  1. Fend off germs. Protect yourself: Get a flu vaccine and wash your hands a lot. People can be contagious before they know they're sick, so even just a sip from someone's drink puts his or her germs in your body.
  2. Eat healthy and be merry. Holiday foods can be high in calories and low on the nutrition you need to battle germs and boost energy. Make it a priority to eat five or more fruits and vegetables a day (choose the whole fruit instead of juice so you feel full longer and avoid added sugar). Carry an apple or a bag of baby carrots so you always have a healthy snack available.
  3. Chill. If you feel stressed out, stop what you're doing for just a moment. Take five deep breaths. Concentrate on each breath as you inhale and exhale.
  4. Beat the blues. Holiday depression doesn't just happen in songs. For some people, it's seasonal, brought on by shorter days, longer nights, and colder weather. Other people are going through difficult life events. If you feel down, go outside. Sunlight and exercise are great mood lifters. Try a seasonal activity to put you in the holiday spirit, like ice skating or neighborhood carol singing. And don't hesitate to talk to someone you trust about how you're feeling.
  5. Get some Z's. Getting enough sleep each night can help strengthen your immune system, give you more energy, and make you less vulnerable to stress.

Have a happy and safe holiday!