Thursday, November 7, 2013

MCGT (SPAN) "Beyond Ability: What it Really Takes to Be Successful" Presentation

The Prior Lake-Savage chapter of MCGT (SPAN) will host Dr. Richard Cash at our Monday Nov. 11 meeting.  The talk is described below and will take place at 7pm in the WestWood Elementary Media Center (5370 WestWood Dr. SE; Prior Lake, MN  55372). 
No childcare will be provided, but we will have teacher CEU certificates available.

Questions?  Contact Apryl at .

Beyond Ability: What it Really Takes to Be Successful
Many people believe that being smart is a critical component of success.  However, while aptitude and strong content knowledge may be requirements for advanced level courses in high school and in post-secondary, the new world of the 21st century places less emphasis on "books smarts" and more emphasis the skills of creativity, critical reasoning, collaboration and communication.  This shift in direction toward the encouraging student's drive, passion and fortitude is of extreme importance for our gifted learners.  The more our children apply themselves in difficult situations the more likely there are to become successful in the 21st century.  Join Dr. Richard Cash, an internationally recognized expert in gifted education, as he shares real and practical strategies that can assist you in enhancing your child's schooling and life experiences to prepare them for their future.

Dr. Cash is the past Director of Gifted Programs for the Bloomington Public Schools.  During his 13 years with the Bloomington schools, he realigned the serves for gifted students as well as developed the Dimensions Academy and Elements program for highly gifted students, in grades 2-8.  Dimensions Academy and Elements have become a model for gifted programming around the state and nation.  After 25 years in the field of education, Richard recently transitioned to a private consultant for school districts around the US and internationally.  His passion is in developing educational systems that nurture and encourage students to advanced levels of thinking and learning.  He is the author of Advancing Differentiation: Thinking and Learning for the 21st Century, and the co-author with Dr. Diane Heacox, a widely respected expert on differentiation and gifted education, on the newly released book Differentiation for Gifted Learners: Going Beyond the Basics. Richard may be contacted through his website at: <