Monday, May 20, 2013

Grainwood Get-Up-and-Go Walk-a-thon

Today begins the fundraising for Grainwood's second annual Walk-a-thon, known as the Get-Up-and-Go!  Students will be bring home their fundraising envelopes today.  Please review the information with your child and thank you for helping them participate.  What a great event last year!  Our goal is $7500 again this year!

What is the Get-Up-and-Go Walk-A-Thon?

The Get-Up-and-Go is an all-school Walk-A-Thon at Grainwood Elementary on Friday, May 31st (rain date Monday, June 3rd). Each student was been given a sponsor form and information flyer today in school and are asked to collect sponsor dollars from friends and family between Monday, May 20 and Wednesday, May 29. On the day of the Walk-A-Thon, all students will be encouraged to dress in red, white and blue and each grade will be responsible for going out and walking for a designated time based on grade level:

Grade K for15 minutes, Grade 1 for 20 minutes, Grades 2–3 for 25 minutes and Grades 4–5 for 30 minutes

At 1:45pm, the entire school (along with any parents or family members who would like to participate) will meet down at the track behind the school and walk together for an additional 20 minutes. During this time, there will be music, decorations and some fun activities. At the end of the walk, the Grainwood PTC will provide a healthy snack for the participants.

This year, our goal again is to raise $7500 for Grainwood!  The best part is….Grainwood receives 100% of the Proceeds!  And, because our PTC is a 501c3 recognized group, your donation is tax-deductible!!!  Donations can be made in cash or check with a Grainwood student, or online through Paypal here at the following link or in the upper right-hand corner of the blog at the "Donate" button.

(Donors requiring a receipt are encouraged to donate online.)

What do the students need to do?

With parent permission, students are to ask friends and family if they would like to be a sponsor for the Grainwood Walk-A-Thon. Students should explain that they are participating in fitness activities all week long in order to raise money for Grainwood.  Students should write the name and dollar amount from any sponsor on the "sponsor form" in the envelope. Donations should be collected at the time of the sponsorship and should be returned to the student's classroom teacher by Wednesday, May 29.  (Online donations will be accepted through the remainder of the school year!)

What are we raising money for?

Continued support of: 1) School field trips (each grade takes approximately 2-3 off-site field trips a year; 2) Supplemental Student and Classroom Supplies and curricula (for example: Time For Kids); 3) In-School events, such as EE Day; 4) *New Blacktop for the Playground; 5) *Additional or upgraded playground equipment; and finally 6) *iPads for the intermediate classrooms.  *Denotes future goals of the PTC for Grainwood.

Oh, did we mention....?

If the students hit the fundraising goal of $7500, the entire Grainwood staff will participate in a water balloon fight. student will be chosen (from all those who raised dollars for Grainwood) to throw out the first few water balloon at the staff member of their choice.

Please help support the Grainwood Get-Up-and-Go and come join us Friday, May 31!