Go to http://www.health.state.mn.us/cgi-bin/idepc/fluschedule/fluclinic_search.cgi or Scott County Public Health for the walk in immunization clinic http://www.co.scott.mn.us/HelpingPeopleHealth/PublicHealth/Pages/Immuniz%20%20Clinic%20Flyer%202010.pdf
Screenings will begin soon and continue throughout the school year. This year, vision screening will be done for 1st and 4th grade; hearing screening for 1st and 3rd grade; and 3rd grade students will have weight and height measured and BMI (Body Mass Index) calculated (once BMI's are completed parents may then access this information via Family Access). Please call your school's health office if you have concerns or questions regarding screening, if you do not wish to have your child screened, and anytime you have concerns about your student's health.
Head Lice Information
As always please remember to check your student for head lice periodically throughout the year. Information about head lice is available on the Health Services website: http://www.priorlake-savage.k12.mn.us/, click on Services, click on Health Services, click on Head Lice Information and Head Lice Q & A. If you do not have access to a computer, please call the Health office for a hard copy.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month