Thursday, May 12, 2011
The Grainwood PTC mission is simple; 'To work together to promote a school community encouraging involvement and support. To enhance the quality of education provided to our children through our support, volunteering and financial assistance.' Each month, parents and staff meet together to connect with each other on events, programs and other topics of interest to Grainwood's students and families. Here are some of the highlights from this month's meeting:
*Children are busy preparing for the end of the year with field tips, MAP testing and research papers! Students are looking forward to the 2nd annual Environmental Education Day coming up on Thursday, May 26th. Bus safety week starts Monday, May 16th.
*Thank you to all students, teachers and staff for their great smiles at the all-school photo! It was great to see a "sea" of blue and gold in the gym!
*The PTC carnival board has decided not to offer the carnival for the 2011-2012 school year. This is simply due to a lack of volunteers to organize, set-up and run the carnival. Discussions will resume next year about any possible future carnivals beyond the 11-12 school year.
* Officer positions were voted on at the May PTC meeting. Jen Laurienzo (President), Stacey Greenlee (Treasurer), Kate Hopkins (Secretary) and Lynda Ericsson (Volunteer positions) were re-elected into their positions. We welcome Erin Penne as the new Vice-President of the Grainwood PTC. We are currently looking for new faces to help coordinate several events for next year. Please visit the website for more information on how you can help support your student's school in this way.
*To find out more information about the Grainwood PTC and the activities that we support, please visit us online at the Grainwood website under the "General Info" tab.
Please join us next year! We meet every 2nd Tuesday from 6:30-8:00pm in the conference room at Grainwood school. PLEASE NOTE: Childcare is provided! All parents, guardians, teachers, staff and children are welcome and encouraged to attend and find out how you can help make Grainwood a great place to learn!