The Grainwood PTC mission is simple; 'To work together to promote a school community encouraging involvement and support. To enhance the quality of education provided to our children through our support, volunteering and financial assistance.' Each month, parents and staff meet together to connect with each other on events, programs and other topics of interest to Grainwood's students and families. Here are some of the highlights from this month's meeting:
*The Healthy Snack Cart was launched at the end of February. Students love the snack choices and parents and staff are excited about providing healthy snack options for the kids at a minimal daily cost.
*Students and staff will be celebrating "Diversity Awareness Week" the first full week of April. Students will have the opportunity to be involved in a variety of activities to help encourage uniqueness and embrace diversity in our school and world.
*Spring testing begins April 11th and the staff and students are preparing! Make sure your student(s) get a good night sleep and eat a healthy breakfast!
*Butter Braids will be delivered April 6th from 3-6pm.
*Join us at the Art and Book Fair on Monday, May 2 at Five Hawks Elementary school. This is a great opportunity to see works of art from our budding artists and also purchase books for 1/2 off!
*PTC CARNIVAL! Help needed! Grainwood is in charge of a variety of stations from games to food to ticket sales. Please go online to to sign up. Thank you for volunteering and supporting our school!
*To find out more information about the Grainwood PTC and the activities that we support, please visit us online at the Grainwood website under the "General Info" tab.
Please join us for our next meeting, APRIL 12, 2011 from 6:30-8:00pm in the conference room at Grainwood school. PLEASE NOTE: Childcare is provided! All parents, guardians, teachers, staff and children are welcome and encouraged to attend and find out how you can help make Grainwood a great place to learn!