Congratulations to all GW students for working so hard on their fall fitness tests. There are some very good scores, and each student should be proud of the effort they put into their tests to this point. We look forward to the spring testing to see how we've improved and grown through the year. Working at home as well as what we do at school will help build confidence, skills, strength and endurance.
The 4th and 5th graders will be having a volleyball tournament with their volleyball unit coming up in November-December this year. This is always a highlight of the year, along with a floor hockey tournament that will be completed the first couple of months of 2011. Fifth grade will also be looking forward to a ski date at Hyland Hills in Bloomington after the start of the new year. The 5th graders will be bringing home a permission slip with more information and the amount needed for the field trip as we get closer to the date.
Some Physical Education reminders:
1. Dress for the weather. We will be outside when we can for the next few weeks with our soccer unit.
2. Clean tennis shoes for inside gym days is very important, along with being tied tightly (a request that gets repeated many times).
3. Illness notes will work for 1 or 2 days from mom or dad, but a doctor's note is asked for extended injuries or illnesses. With that, please have the doctor put a return to Physical Education date on the note as well, if possible.
Looking ahead: Activities for the next couple of months (weather and gymnasium permitting)
1. October & November: Finish up with fitness testing, football, soccer and work on volleyball.
2. December: Finish up volleyball with a 4th and 5th grade tournament, try to get some scooter work in and possibly some bowling.