Friday, February 12, 2010
"I Love to Read" Month
As many of you know, February is "I Love to Read" month. At Grainwood, we kicked off the month with TC Bear from the Minnesota Twins visiting us at our all school meeting. He brought with him a story that I read aloud and he acted out. Today, at 9:3o AM, all of Grainwood participated in our building-wide D.E.A.R., or Drop Everything And Read, event. (It sure was quiet around here!) Each grade level is totaling the amount of minutes they are reading throughout the month and then graphing those minutes on an olympic themed poster outside of the lunchroom. We're not even half way through the month and the students will easily reach their goal of 10,000 minutes! Thanks for supporting your readers at home. Nothing replaces your time reading with or to your child.